Welcome To Perbi Cubs

Perbi Cubs Library Services is an evidence-based, cost-effective, time-saving, literacy-promoting endeavour that desires to see an enlightened people of African descent who are a product of an enviable national culture of leisure reading.

What Is Leisure Reading?

Leisure reading, “also known as recreational reading, pleasure reading, free voluntary reading, and independent reading, is independent, self-selected reading of a continuous text for a wide range of personal and social purposes. It can take place in and out of school, at any time.” (International Reading Association).

What We Offer

Why Parents & Their Children Choose Us

Thousands of Resources

Exciting Reading Challenges

Fun Competitions & Quizzes

Videos, Webinars & More

Why We Do What We Do

“Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible, from complex word problems and the meaning of our history to scientific discovery and technological proficiency.”

– President Barack Obama

Our Programme

How It Works

to determine lexile score.

books within lexile range.

books and participates in activities.

on books read.

Reward Children!

Enroll Your Child Today

What Parents Say

I signed Lily, my first daughter to the Perbi Cubs programme after I saw their fliers on a WhatsApp platform. After signing her up, I realized she became more focused and interested in her reading, resulting in the productive use of her time and gadgets. I later enrolled my two other daughters and they’re also having so much fun and learning at the same time. Being a teacher, I appreciate the impact the programme is having on my girls. Thank you so much Perbi Cubs, for this amazing opportunity. To parents who haven’t signed up yet, please do well to do so. To Perbi Cubs, I say Ayekoo!

Mrs. Phoebe Gagbo


My daughter is Aseda, a Cub in the Perbi Cubs programme, which uses reading as a channel to engage children. The programme has gone a long way to help me as a parent as it has given me the “me time” that I need to do what I’m supposed to do.

I’m really glad I signed Aseda up for the programme because it has really improved her reading abilities. Even though she loves to read, thanks to Perbi Cubs, she can now read excellently and is even able to teach other people what she learns from her reads.

I urge all parents to enroll their children in the Perbi Cubs Programme as there are a lot of books for the children to read, and many exciting programmes for them to partake in.

Mrs. Ruby Tawiah


I have three children, a boy and two girls, in class five, three and two respectively. I learnt about the Perbi Cubs Programme in April 2020 and I enrolled my children. Joining Perbi Cubs has been a golden opportunity for me and it has been one of the best decisions that I have made for my children. The programme offers a wide range of daily activities that are highly educational and so much fun. I recommend Perbi Cubs to every parent. Sign up and you’ll never regret the decision as it would be the best gift for your children.

Mrs. Vivian Dela Atuwo Ampoh


My wife and I discovered Perbi Cubs after the lockdown earlier in April 2020, and decided to enroll our daughter, Jessica. Perbi Cubs has given our Jessica a sense of belonging, and she gets so excited anytime there’s a Zoom hangout meeting for the Cubs. The programme also gives children the opportunity to meet and interact with personalities from different fields of expertise, and the children are able to ask questions and get answers. Jessica gets to participate in many quizzes and gets her creativity tested. Perbi Cubs has come to make our children busy and to build them for the future. If you want your child to be a better adult in future, then sign them up with Perbi Cubs.

Mr. Mawunyo Adzah


Mychelle Kumah is my daughter, a Diamond Medallion winner for the Minutes-read track and a Gold Medallion winner for Quizzes passed in the Perbi Cubs programme. Michelle has always been an avid reader, but I must say that I’m proud of how far she’s come in the programme. She has been able to read so many books in a limited amount of time since she was enrolled on this programme. Ever since schools closed down, I’d been worried about what my children would be doing at home, but thanks to Perbi Cubs, I know she uses her time profitably; to read. My younger children have suddenly showed interest in reading because they see their big sister reading. Parents, give your children the opportunity to become readers today and leaders tomorrow. Enroll them in the Perbi Cubs programme and have that advantage.

Mrs. Claudia Kumah


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